Innovative experiences and renewal of the Latin American executive training


  • José Weinstein Universidad Diego Portales (UDP), Chile
  • Carolina Cuellar Programa Doctorado Universidad Diego Portales. Universidad Alberto Hurtado. Chile.
  • Macarena Hernández Investigadora. Chile.
  • Joseph Flessa Profesor oise. Universidad de Toronto. Canadá



director training; school leadership; educational management; innovation experiences.


This article gathers detailed information on innovative management training programs in Latin America. The study analysed and csystematized in a comparative way six programs in development in individual countries of the region: Argentina, Brazil, Chile, Colombia, Mexico and the Dominican Republic. From the discoveries we can conclude the urgent need to optimize training and professional development of school leaders in Latin America, according to the gravitating issues, the way of gradually closin the existing gap between the political demands towards the directors and their competence. The important learning experiences to visualize for the renewal of the formation of the Latin American school officials, such as the link between training and improved management practices, the priority of contents applied to educational change, and active and experiential methods, the power of partnerships between complementary institutions or the need for joint training with broader politics related to school directors.


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Author Biography

José Weinstein, Universidad Diego Portales (UDP), Chile


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How to Cite

Weinstein, J., Cuellar, C., Hernández, M., & Flessa, J. (2015). Innovative experiences and renewal of the Latin American executive training. Iberoamerican Journal of Education, 69.

