Ethical code

The Revista Iberoamericana de Educación undertakes to comply with and maintain standards of ethical conduct in all phases of the publication process. We endorse industry associations such as the Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE) and the Elsevier Publishing Ethics Resource Kit (PERK) which establish standards and provide guidelines for best practices in order to meet these requirements.

What follows is a summary of these standards for editors, authors and reviewers:

Duties, responsibilities of the Editor and Editorial Board

  • Ensure the confidentiality of the authors' data in the review process.
  • Ensure the custody of the unaccepted texts and specify the process of destruction of them.
  • Define and specify the acceptance criteria of the articles for review.
  • Avoid favourable treatment to the detriment of other authors.
  • No conflict of interest in relation to the texts presented.
  • Do not make any use of the texts or the data presented in them, beyond those of being published.
  • Establish clear criteria and objectives of revision to avoid the subjectivity of the reviewers.
  • Establish clear deadlines to respond to the authors on the acceptance or non-acceptance of the text.
  • Review suspicious incidents of plagiarism and resolve any conflict of interest.
  • Evaluate manuscripts only for their intellectual content, regardless of race, gender, sexual orientation, religious beliefs, ethnic origin, nationality, or political philosophy of the authors. 

Duties, responsibilities of the Authors

  • Originality: Ensure the originality of the works and that they have not been published already in another media.
  • Veracity: Provide truthful data and show that they have been collected in a technically correct manner.
  • Plagiarism or self-plagiarism: Do not make total or partial plagiarism of other works already published. 
  • Authorship: In terms of the authorship of the work, the authors guarantee that there is the inclusion of those individuals who have made a scientifically significant and intellectual contribution to the conceptualization and planning of the work, and have also made a contribution to the interpretation of the results and the actual writing of the article. At the same time, the authors have been hierarchically organized in accordance to their level of responsibility and their respective roles.
  • Conflict of interest: declare any commercial association that may suppose a conflict of interests in connection with the remitted article.
  • Sources: Indicate the sources of information used and differentiate those that have been used directly from those that have been used indirectly. The authors are responsible for obtaining the appropriate permits to partially reproduce material (text, tables or figures) of other publications and to quote their origin correctly.
  • In the case of acceptance of the article, the authors must commit themselves to make the modifications within the stipulated period.
  • In cases considered appropriate, submit documentation that ensures that minimum ethical criteria have been followed in the investigation, such as informed consent

Duties, responsibilities of the Reviewers

  • Make a fair and objective review of the articles.
  • Clearly expose the arguments of their assessment.
  • Do not accept articles to review in which there may be a conflict of interest that limits their objectivity (for example, being an interested party in the research shown in the article, maintaining a personal relationship -relative, etc...- with the authors of the text or to be in a situation of dispute against the author or the person or group that presents it).
  • Maintain confidentiality about the information and data of the articles evaluated.
  • Evaluate manuscripts only for their intellectual content, regardless of race, gender, sexual orientation, religious beliefs, ethnic origin, nationality, or political philosophy of the authors.