Educación para la sostenibilidad en docencia de ingeniería informática


  • María Rita Concepción García Universidad de Holguín, Cuba
  • Félix Rodríguez Expósito Universidad de Holguín, Cuba
  • Sergio Cleger Tamayo Universidad de Holguín, Cuba
  • José Pablo Suárez Rivero Universidad de Las Palmas de Gran Canaria (ULPGC), España
  • Pilar Abad Real Universidad de Las Palmas de Gran Canaria (ULPGC), España



educación para la sostenibilidad, docencia de ingeniería


Changing attitudes and behaviors, including how we produce and consume is a prerequisite for sustainable development. The university has a social mission to train professionals committed to developing local and regional development. In the decade for education for sustainability declared by the United Nations, the University of Holguin, Cuba and the University of Las Palmas de Gran Canaria are integrated in an international collaborative project to promote attitudes and behaviors favorable to sustainable IT development. This research develops a computer science teaching, which aims to develop a procedure for assessing sustainability of a software product based on the socio humanist, administrative, environmental and technological, which is supported in an application Web. The procedure developed aims form the professional quality of sustainability in the future mode of operation of computer engineering graduate, which may be applicable to other engineering teaching. Environmental education approach to sustainability is a starting point for a technological culture of computer engineering student, which favors the conception of science and technology as social processes.


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Como Citar

García, M. R. C., Rodríguez Expósito, F., Cleger Tamayo, S., Suárez Rivero, J. P., & Abad Real, P. (2012). Educación para la sostenibilidad en docencia de ingeniería informática. Revista Ibero-Americana De Educação, 59(2), 1–16.





- Educación ambiental