The induction of novice teachers in the Dominican Republic. INDUCTIO program




teacher induction; beginning teacher; mentor teacher; learning cicle


To become an expert teacher is a long process. To achieve this it is essential to assist teachers in their first years of teaching exercise. The policies of teacher professional development in Latin America are starting to pay particular attention to support for need teachers who are new to teaching. In this article we presented the program INDUCTIO which are being developed in the Dominican Republic for the induction of novice teachers. INDUCTIO comes at the initiative of the National Institute of Education and Training of the Magisterium (INAFOCAM) of the Dominican Republic, with the aim of favouring processes of professional induction of novice teachers teaching. It includes a comprehensive set of activities designed to support novice teachers. INDUCTIO is based on a constructivist view and connectionist of teacher training and takes the principles of self-training and teacher professional development based on evidence. Consistent with this view, the program raises a wide range of learning experiences that can provide beginning teachers induction of quality in teaching. INDUCTIO incorporates as a main element of the program of mentor figure. But it also accompanies this figure with the organization of learning circles, workshops, training according to mode b-learning. INDUCTIO makes intensive use of technologies and this has created a portal on the internet


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Author Biography

Carlos Marcelo García, Universidad de Sevilla (US), España


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How to Cite

Marcelo García, C., & otros, y. (2016). The induction of novice teachers in the Dominican Republic. INDUCTIO program. Iberoamerican Journal of Education, 71(2).





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