Anxiety as a variable predictive of self-esteem in adolescents and their influence in the educational process and communication


  • Isabel Núñez Vázquez
  • Rafael Crismán Pérez



adolescents; behaviour problems; self-steem; anxiety; and measurement.


This paper aims to identify the relation between anxiety and self-steems in 207 adolescents 12-18 aged, due to problems in High Schools centres where anxiety situations occur daily, provoking difficult communication between students and teachers and the development of the daily curriculum (Suárez Valdés y Pérez Pérez, 2012/2013). The researched factors are the following: sociodemographic variables like gender and socioeconomic status and personality variables like self-steem (Rosenberg, 1989), la ansiedad-estado y la ansiedad-rasgo (STAI, Spielberger, Gorsuch y Lushene, 1982). The results show there is a negative relation between self-steem and anxiety, being significant anxiety to predict of self-steem. There are significant differences according to gender. Women show lower self-steem and higher levels of ansiedad-estado y rasgo. Socioeconmic status did not show significant differences for each personality variables aims of our study.


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Author Biography

Isabel Núñez Vázquez
Universidad de Cádiz, España


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How to Cite

Núñez Vázquez, I., & Crismán Pérez, R. (2016). Anxiety as a variable predictive of self-esteem in adolescents and their influence in the educational process and communication. Iberoamerican Journal of Education, 71(2).





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