Piaget and L. S. Vygotsky in the analysis of the relationship between education and development


  • María Nela Barba Téllez Centro de Estudios de Didáctica Universitaria de Las Tunas, Cuba
  • Maritza Cuenca Díaz Centro de Estudios de Didáctica Universitaria de Las Tunas, Cuba
  • Aida Rosa Gómez Centro de Estudios de Didáctica Universitaria de Las Tunas, Cuba



Piaget, Vigotsky, educación y desarrollo, factor biolíco, factor social, ontogenia


In this article we refer in a synthetic way to the work of the great fathers of Psychology Piaget and L. S. Vigotsky in the analysis of the relationship between education and development, for having wide repercussion in the international area and validity in contemporary educational processes where there are extreme positions that emphasize the significance of the biological in development, others that give primacy to the social factor, and others that highlight the role of both factors but that have not been able to give a satisfactory explanation to the problem of development in ontogeny. Although there are points of contact in the work of Piaget and Vigotsky, both interpret the relationship between education and development in different ways, so we consider it appropriate to analyze the conceptions of both authors in order to assume starting positions on how to achieve a more developmental teaching-learning process.


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How to Cite

Barba Téllez, M. N., Cuenca Díaz, M., & Gómez, A. R. (2007). Piaget and L. S. Vygotsky in the analysis of the relationship between education and development. Iberoamerican Journal of Education, 43(1), 1–12.





- Psicología de la educación