Predictors of ICT skills in Chilean high school students


  • Carolina Matamala Riquelme Universidad Complutense de Madrid, España



Information technology and communication | ICT skills | digital literacy | digital gap | secondary data.


The following article aims to describe the skills in using information technology and communication (ICT hereinafter) of a sample of Chilean high school students and the factors that predict differences in the skill levels of those students. To carry out the research, database use of ICT SIMCE the Ministry of Education of Chile. From these data, it was concluded that students have low levels of ICT skills, statistically significant differences by sex, socioeconomic status, years of computer use, computer usage frequency and level of confidence in the use of computers, however the variables that predict a student to have high level of ICT skills, are the years using computers, socioeconomic level and the confidence level of the use of ICT.


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How to Cite

Matamala Riquelme, C. (2015). Predictors of ICT skills in Chilean high school students. Iberoamerican Journal of Education, 67(1), 121–136.





- Tecnología de la educación