The Language Awareness Approach. Critical thinking in second language acquisition


  • Ariadne de Villa Texas Lutheran University (TLU), EE.UU.



Applied linguistics, second language education, critical thinking, language awareness approach (laa), ; bicultural and multicultural education, bilingual and multilingual education


This paper reviews current theoretical research in second language methodology and on how the Language Awareness Approach, specifically, is key to successful second language teaching due to its holistic approach. LAA methodology gives students the tools and confidence to internalize the second language for the long term, by promoting the use of critical thinking. Through the Language Awareness Approach, students become highly motivated self-learners, expertly analyzing the syntax of their native language as well as that of the second language. As students become more skilled in understanding how language works, they are able to internalize the new language and make it their own. The paper closes by drawing conclusions of second language methodology appropriate for our contemporary times.


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How to Cite

de Villa, A. (2018). The Language Awareness Approach. Critical thinking in second language acquisition. Iberoamerican Journal of Education, 77(2), 163–174.





- Didáctica de la Lengua y de la Literatura