Popular education in Rio Grande do Norte: The campaign “standing on the ground also learns to read”


  • Marlúcia Menezes de Paiva Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Norte (UFRN), Brasil




Popular education; Adult education; Djalma Maranhão


The period covered in Brazil, democratic of 1945 to 1964, triggered the civil society organisation and the consequent realization of popular measures. One of those achievements was an experiment in popular education developed by the city of Natal, in the administration of Governor Djalma Maranhão (1960-1964). The experience was “de pé no chão também se aprende a ler”, was aimed at the poor of the city, developed a literacy that was also fitness. The schools, called “camps”, for lack of resources, were built with coconut husks. The teachers were formed, to a large extent in emergency courses, but also courses in Normal School. It was a successful experience, who answered the wishes of needy populations. The 1964 coup d ‘ état, which repressed violently that experience, arresting, torturing their executors, put an end to this experience.


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How to Cite

Menezes de Paiva, M. (2018). Popular education in Rio Grande do Norte: The campaign “standing on the ground also learns to read”. Iberoamerican Journal of Education, 76, 229–238. https://doi.org/10.35362/rie7602859





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