Arts integration projects and the improvement of teaching quality through a case study
Arts integration, art and education, pedagogical innovation, education in cultural institutions, learning communityAbstract
Through an in-depth case study - the Art and School project of ACVIC - we have analyzed a project of integration of art in formal education that brings to light a high level of collaboration and mutual recognition between professionals of art and education and favors new proposals, methodologies and assessment methods. In the conclusions, we have defined the quality conditions of an Arts Integration project between educational and cultural institutions for the benefit of teaching quality.
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Eisner, E. W. (1987). Procesos cognitivos y currículum. Barcelona, Espanya: Martínez Roca.
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Macaya, A. (abril de 2013). Els projectes, punt de trobada entre museus i escola. A A. Macaya, A, R. Ricomà i M. Suárez (Presidencia), Arts, educació i interdisciplinarietat. Simpòsium dut a terme a les XI Jornades de Pedagogia de l’Art i Museus, Tarragona, Espanya.
Maffesoli, M. (1997). Elogio de la razón sensible: una visión intuitiva del mundo contemporáneo. Barcelona, Espanya: Paidós
Morin, E. (2000). La mente bien ordenada. Barcelona, Espanya: Seix Barral.
Pagès, A. (2011). Temps de transmissió. Les seves vicissituds avui. Lleida, Espanya: Pagès editors
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Stake, R. E. (2007). Investigación con estudio de casos. Madrid, Espanya: Ediciones Morata.
The Kennedy Center. (1990-2017). Changing Education Through the Arts (CETA): Professional learning for educators and teaching artists. Washington, D.C, USA: The Kennedy Center. Recuperat de
How to Cite
Llevadot González, M., & Pagès Santacana, A. (2018). Arts integration projects and the improvement of teaching quality through a case study. Iberoamerican Journal of Education, 77(1), 121–140.
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