The educational impact of the intergenerational programmes: a study from the school and different social institutions involved




elderly, intergenerational programmes, active ageing, social participation, participación social


The present article analyses the impact of the intergenerational programmes from the school and different social institution to improve and offer more quality for design of futures projects which generate the construction and exchange of new learning. More specifically to improve the strength between the connection of every generation. With this aim in mind, has been described and analysed the existence of programmes about intergenerational fields in the different contexts, the functions and characteristics regarding all the participants involved, and the existence of certain lacks on the part of the protagonists involved in intergenerational programmes. To attend to the purposes previously shown, a qualitative methodology was used through semi-structured interviews and group discussions. Finally, among the main results discovered, between other aspects, personal satisfaction is the biggest demonstrated by the fact of feeling useful and of keeping on learning. In case of the interviewed children who interact with elderly people, there are formed benefits related essentially to the knowledge that they bring them; acquisition of numerous values of empathy, respect and solidarity; to learn to be better people in the life; to diminish stereotypes towards old age; and to recognize a positive image of the elderly.


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Author Biographies

Pedro Moreno Abellán, Universidad de Murcia (UM), España

Facultad de Educación. Profesor Docente Investigador (PDI). Universidad de Murcia.

Silvia Martínez de Miguel López, Universidad de Murcia (UM), España

Facultad de Educación. Profesor Docente Investigador (PDI). Universidad de Murcia

Andrés Escarbajal de Haro, Universidad de Murcia (UM), España

Facultad de Educación. Profesor Docente Investigador (PDI). Universidad de Murcia


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How to Cite

Moreno Abellán, P., Martínez de Miguel López, S., & Escarbajal de Haro, A. (2018). The educational impact of the intergenerational programmes: a study from the school and different social institutions involved. Iberoamerican Journal of Education, 77(2), 31–54.





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