Reinterpreting Dyslexia. A differentiating proposal for an inclusive neurodidactics
dyslexia, neurological impairments, phonological awareness, reading and writing difficulties, sensory deficiencyAbstract
Until the appearance of neuroimaging techniques, research on Dyslexia has focused on the phonological deficit as the main causal factor. These techniques have made it possible to advance the anatomical-functional knowledge of the different areas of the brain, revealing the amplitude and complexity of the brain's reading network.
In order to better understand this neurodevelopmental disorder, we analyze the latest advances on the neuroanatomical functions of the different areas of the brain involved in reading and research on the neurological etiology of dyslexia. We conclude with the need to consider a sensory neurodevelopmental disorder located in primary auditory and visual areas that entails a deficient processing of visuo-spatio-temporal information. Dyslexia is considered, and therefore also the phonological deficit, as a consequence of this disorder. This differentiation makes it possible to visualize other symptoms less addressed by research and didactics.
Cognitive implications in typical classroom tasks of the spatiotemporal processing deficit in the early childhood and primary education stages are extracted from which to design an inclusive didactics, comprehensive with the neurological nature of the disorder, which does not penalize students who suffer this neurological disorder.
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