5 principles of neuroeducation that families should know to put into practice





Neuroeducaction, neurodidactics, brain


During last two decades, research in neuroscience and cognitive neuroscience have provided significant data on how the brain builds and on the neuronal mechanisms of learning. Applied to education, in the so-called neuroeducation, it should stop being a discipline studied only in neuroscientific and pedagogical contexts to reach the whole society, all those people interested in the educational and learning processes of both their sons and daughters as well as in their own learning. This paper aims to bring the readers closer to the Five basic principles of neuroeducation that parents must know to put them into practice, to encourage learning and a more dignified life.

This paper is based on previous studies and writings made by both authors, from both the biological as well as educational perspectives. This transdisciplinary approach favors the breaking of certain frontiers between traditionally self-contained knowledges to give an integrated vision which is much closer to the integrated and integrating operativity of the brain.

It is important that families and society in general, including educational policy-making authorities, know how we can promote the education of new generations based on the knowledge of how the brain forms and learns. This article is part of this objective of social disclosure.


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Author Biographies

David Bueno Torrens, Universidad de Barcelona (UB), España

Sección de Genética Biomédica, Evolutiva y del Desarrollo 

Anna Forés Miravalles, Universidad de Barcelona (UB), España

Departamento de Didáctica y Organización Educativa


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How to Cite

Bueno Torrens, D., & Forés Miravalles, A. (2018). 5 principles of neuroeducation that families should know to put into practice. Iberoamerican Journal of Education, 78(1), 13–25. https://doi.org/10.35362/rie7813255





Monográfico. Neurodidáctica en el aula