Applying service learning in the Blood and Tissue Bank


  • Mariona Graell Martín Universidad de Barcelona, España



service learning; citizenship education; moral education; participation; community


The work presented is the result of the design and implementation of a service learning project . Six years ago, the Blood and Tissue Bank of Catalonia, in collaboration with the GREM ( Research Group d' Educació Moral ) conducted a service learning project with the purpose of creating social awareness among children and adolescents about the importance donating blood and increase the number of blood donors between present and future generations. Several marketing and promotion activities were carried out during all phases of the project ( partnership , learning, service , assessment and recognition ) . From 2007 until 2012, 15,397 participants from 138 schools were involved , capturing 14,258 donations. The success of this project comes not only from the increase in the number of entities and individuals involved , but also the mobilization and awareness of children and young people about the importance of blood donation . From their active participation, young people perceive the results of their individual actions that serve the community getting a tangible social impact. The data presented were obtained through questionnaires , personal interviews, meetings with stakeholders and field diaries.


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Author Biography

Mariona Graell Martín, Universidad de Barcelona, España

Aplicación del aprendizaje servicio en el Banco de Sangre y Tejidos

Departamento de Teoría e Historia de la educación, Facultad de Pedagogía. Universidad de Barcelona



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How to Cite

Graell Martín, M. (2014). Applying service learning in the Blood and Tissue Bank. Iberoamerican Journal of Education, 65(1), 1–11.





- Education in values