Integration of information and communication technologies in the tsotsil indigenous region of the highlands of Chiapas




Information and communication technologies; teaching attitudes; cognitive processes; integration of ICT


The present article focuses on the study of attitudes towards the use of ICT as a learned disposition that involves cognitive processes and behavioral elements. In this regard, the aim is to analyze the attitudinal reaction that the teachers of the Tsotsil indigenous region of the Highlands of Chiapas have before the integration of information and communication technologies in the classrooms of the basic level. We opted for a consecutive sampling that tried to include all the subjects that were accessible as part of the sample, where we had access to a group of 137 indigenous teachers from the Tsotsil zone of the highlands of Chiapas, out of an estimated total of teachers in that area, territory of 1300. Among the main results obtained and described in this research, it is shown that the attitudes of teachers in the Tsotsil region, in general, are positive towards the use of information and communication technologies. This may be a factor that should be considered in the educational policies with ICT implemented by the Mexican government in the region.


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How to Cite

Avendaño Porras, V. del C., & Lara Ponce, E. (2019). Integration of information and communication technologies in the tsotsil indigenous region of the highlands of Chiapas. Iberoamerican Journal of Education, 79(1), 53–69.





Exclusion, poverty and ICT in Latin American schools