Reflexions about the Physical Education Curriculum Proposals in São Paulo in Santa Catarina and in Rio de Janeiro
Curriculum; Hybridization; Identity.Abstract
Based on the classification of Tomaz Tadeu da Silva about the existence of traditional curricular proposals, reviews, and post-critical, this study analyzed the Physical Education curriculum proposals from the states of Rio de Janeiro and Santa Catarina and, São Paulo. The contents of the official texts were confronted with the concepts of identity and hybridization, as proposed by Stuart Hall and Nestor García Canclini, respectively. It was concluded that the proposed diverge from each other according to the ideology3 sustains them, for each set forming an identity and, hence, a citizen. The proposal of São Paulo, considered multicultural, proposes to thematization of bodily manifestations of belonging to various groups that cohabiting society, drawing on Cultural Studies as a theoretical basis, is committed to the formation of democratic identities and sensitive to diversity. In Santa Catarina the proposal draws on critical theory and aims to transform the contents of the elite, especially those that reproduce the lifestyles of the ruling classes, so the subjects of education would be emancipated from the veiled domination imposed by the capitalist system. In Rio de Janeiro, the proposal seeks its roots in traditional cognitive psychology guiding an action for the development of teaching skills and training aiming toward problem solving.
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