Tutoring in initial education as self-study





Initial education, self-study, tutoring, teaching practice, accompaniment


The purpose of this article is to analyze the experience of initial teacher education in last year of the elementary school teacher's career in a teacher training college in Mexico. It is based on the analysis of the voices of a group of teache purpose of this article is to analyze the experience of initial teacher education in last year of the elementary school teacher’s career in a teacher training college in Mexico. It is based on the analysis of the voices of a group of teachers in training interviewed, whose narratives are interpreted from the framework of social meanings. From the training located in the tutoring, valued as a formative strategy from the self-study, understood as a research discipline that studies, in a systematic way how teacher trainers allow their students to learn and analyze their own practices, with the ultimate intention to have a rigorous awareness of what they do, in order to improve their profession, to produce their own knowledge of the discipline of focused and self-initiated teaching, aimed at improvement, interactive-collaborative. From the previous approach, this study analyzes the opinions of students or teachers in training in the last degree of their career through a case study, with a qualitative and descriptive methodology. One of the relevant findings shows that the tutoring that takes place in the normal school referred to, is still linked to the tradition that weights the prescription before the reflexive analysis of the teaching practice. 


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How to Cite

Valencia Aguirre, A. C., Prieto Quezada, M. T., & Carrillo Navarro, J. C. (2020). Tutoring in initial education as self-study. Iberoamerican Journal of Education, 82(1), 195–211. https://doi.org/10.35362/rie8213598





Monographic. Self-study on practices of initial teacher training