Supervision and accompaniment of professional practices. Development of a practical reflexivity approach from a collaborative self-study
self-study, teacher training, practicum, teacher reflection, learning community.Abstract
This article gathers the process of collective and systematic inquiry of four lecturers employing the self-study methodology in connection with the teaching of reflection during the teacher training practicum process of pedagogy students. The results show the professional tensions raised in the review of the teaching practicum, the relevance of the participants' own conceptions about the teaching role and the importance of critical friends’ community in the reflective process. This contributed to the value of the dilemmas and learning of a professional exercise that is often lonely and poorly studied. In this context, the proposed self-study seeks to be both a research approach of the practice itself in lecturers and an instance to improve teaching practices through the generation of practical knowledge in order to enable better learning in pedagogy students.
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