International large-scale assessment and citizenship. Exploring the relationship between politics and ICSS in Chile (2009-2016)




Citizenship, ICCS, Chile, Politics, International Large Scale Assessment


This article analyzes the results of ICCS in 2009 and 2016 in four attributes of student citizenship training (civic knowledge, willingness to participate in elections, trust in political parties and willingness to share with people from other social classes) considering the implementation of three policies developed in Chile in recent years: i) the Voluntary Voting Act (2012); ii) the Preferential School Subsidy Act (2008) and; iii) curricular changes in Civic and Citizenship (2011). The results show that there are few changes in national averages between 2009 and 2016, although changes are evident when the data is disaggregated by socioeconomic level. These results allow us to re-interpret the relationship between ILSAs and educational policies, to think about how International Large-Scale Assessments may contribute to the development of educational systems that empower students for citizenship.


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How to Cite

Villalobos, C., Wyman, I. ., & Treviño, E. (2020). International large-scale assessment and citizenship. Exploring the relationship between politics and ICSS in Chile (2009-2016). Iberoamerican Journal of Education, 84(1), 15–36.





Monographic. New data, new challenges: Ibero-America in the latest assessment