Developing critical thinking in kindergarten with and through digital resources




didactic; learning; student; primary school; education technology


The current pandemic and social isolation scenario challenges educators to reinvent pedagogical ways of acting that enhance the child's harmonious development, using the development of their critical thinking.

In this process, recognizing the pedagogical potential of digital technologies and resources and the need to create networked learning environments, involving children and their families, the kindergarten teacher and the surrounding society, this article aims to describe and reflect on the pedagogical implications inherent to the creation and dynamization of an experience lived with children of three and four years, in pre-school education, showing the critical thinking skills to be developed.

This study assumes investigative characteristics that reflect on the educator's pedagogical action, bearing in mind that it is intended to report the options taken to enhance the development of critical thinking skills through the use of diversified digital resources.

The study inserted in a qualitative paradigm demonstrated the relevance of reflective educational action based on an informed selection process and the construction of educational resources that enhance the development of the child's critical thinking, through the pedagogical exploration of resources available in the digital sphere.


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How to Cite

Mesquita, N., Martins, D., & Gamboa, M. J. (2021). Developing critical thinking in kindergarten with and through digital resources. Iberoamerican Journal of Education, 85(1), 101–116.





Monographic. Digital School: strategies and digital didactic materials