Self Study as a catalyst in the training processes of future teachers. Learning from the analysis of the articles published in the monograph of the Ibero-American Journal of Education - REDFFORM




Self Study, Teacher Educators, Critical Frienship


The Iberoamerican States Organization (OEI Chile) through its Teachers Professional Development Program, has supported a Teacher Educators Network, Redfforma (, which brings together academics from various universities focused on teacher educators professional development through Self Study (SS) research.

Since 2016, three research periods have been completed in the Self Study methodology, identifying the aspects that worried them in relation to their teacher education practices, sharing their findings with critical friends, both national and international. This context has been the place for the analysis and discussion of their conceptions about teaching, the teaching role and the modeling responsibility as a teacher educator; as well as the opportunity to look at their students' vision of pedagogy, expectations and beliefs about the aims of teacher education.

This article reports the descriptive analysis of 5 SS experiences presented in this issue. The reflections that emerge from this work serve a dual purpose, on the one hand, to provide a comparative look at the evidence obtained through the experience developed by the research teams; and on the other, to explain some challenges that implies accompanying the installation processes of new teaching practices for the education of future teachers.


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Author Biographies

Carolina Hirmas, OEI-Chile

Profesional de la Organización de Estados Iberoamericanos (OEI-Chile) y miembro de la  red de Formadores de Profesores (Redfforma)

Rodrigo Fuentealba, Universidad San Sebastián (USS), Chile

Universidad San Sebastián (USS), Chile y miembro de la Red de Formadores de Profesores (Redfforma).


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How to Cite

Hirmas, C., & Fuentealba, R. (2020). Self Study as a catalyst in the training processes of future teachers. Learning from the analysis of the articles published in the monograph of the Ibero-American Journal of Education - REDFFORM. Iberoamerican Journal of Education, 82(1), 213–234.





Monographic. Self-study on practices of initial teacher training