The evaluation of a permanent training program of teachers in spain: methodology and design


  • Estela D’Angelo Universidad Complutense de Madrid, España
  • Gabriel Rusinek niversidad Complutense de Madrid, España



program evaluation; permanent training; teachers; methodology


This article  presents the methodological design of the external evaluation of a permanent training program of teachers in Spain, organized under the protection of a collaboration agreement between Spanish educational administrations, organized under the protection of an agreement of collaboration between educational administrations of the Spanish State, in which took part 4,257 teacher of a total of 147 educational centers. After making explicit a conceptualization of the evaluation of programs, the negotiation of the design, the selection of samples and the problems of access are described, as well as the withdrawal technologies and the strategies of analysis of the qualitative and quantitative information. The procedures are then discussed, used to corroborate the interpretations of the assessor equipment and to manage value judgments founded empirically on the program. Finally, it is considered to be the role of the evaluation report in relation to the capture of organizational and formative decisions on the side of organizers and referees, and the improvement of the educational processes on the side of all the agents implied.


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How to Cite

D’Angelo, E., & Rusinek, G. (2014). The evaluation of a permanent training program of teachers in spain: methodology and design. Iberoamerican Journal of Education, 64, 55–71.

