Is it possible a richer evaluation at university level?


  • Silvia del Puerto Universidad Tecnológica Nacional (UTN), Argentina
  • Silvia Seminara Universidad Tecnológica Nacional (UTN), Argentina



continuous evaluation; feedback; return of the evaluation; virtual environments.


It’s a common practice, at university level, that the function of the evaluation limits itself to the accreditation. The high number of students, the lack of time to develop programs, as well as a widespread belief –not explicit– that the university education can ignore the formative aspect of the evaluation without affecting it’s quality, conspire against a continous and effective use of the information that the evaluation can provide to be able to obtain a positive feedback in the educative process.
In this work is described an experience carried out in Algebra and Analytical Geometry, first year subjects of the Engineering careers in the Technological National University of the Argentine Republic. The same consisted in introducing periodic formative evaluation activities and a summative evaluation instance enriched with the work in class, with the objective of taking advance of the continuous information that this practices can provide, to teachers as to students, to sustain the feedback of the teaching and learning process, searching for the improvement of mathematical quality in the training of future engineers.


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How to Cite

Puerto, S. del, & Seminara, S. (2014). Is it possible a richer evaluation at university level?. Iberoamerican Journal of Education, 64, 115–126.

