The role of educational context in self-determination. Analysis of its influence in the transition process to adult life of intellectually disabled students


  • Carmen Vega García Universidad de Salamanca, España
  • María Gómez Vela Universidad de Salamanca, España
  • Ramón Fernández Pulido Universidad de Salamanca, España
  • Marta Badia Corbella Universidad de Salamanca, España



self-determination; intellectual disability; transition to adult life; educational context


Fostering self-determination in people with intellectual disabilities is considered an important goal as well as a way to obtain more autonomy, participation and personal wellbeing. This study aims to analyse the effects different individual (gender, age, etc.) and contextual variables (types of school enrollment, educative programs) have regarding the self-determination of students with intellectual disabilities in the transition process to adult life. The study involved 76 students aged between 12 and 33; 30 of them (39.5%) were diagnosed with intellectual disabilities. The evaluation was carried out based on the Escala de Evaluación de Autodeterminación (Verdugo et al., in press), adapted and translated from The arc’s Self-Determination Scale (Wehmeyer, 1995). One of the most relevant results was that intellectually disabled students who enrolled in specific centres obtained higher scores concerning self-determination than those enrolled in regular ones, although their degree of disability was higher too. In this article, we will discuss the influence, context and not so much their IQ, that has on these students’ self-determination. We will analyse as well the effect other variables may have


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How to Cite

Vega García, C., Gómez Vela, M., Fernández Pulido, R., & Badia Corbella, M. (2013). The role of educational context in self-determination. Analysis of its influence in the transition process to adult life of intellectually disabled students. Iberoamerican Journal of Education, 63, 19–33.

