Basic education and pandemic. A study about teachers' perceptions in the Portuguese reality
Pandemic, Basic Education, Inequality, Learning, CitizenshipAbstract
Starting from the political options in education in Ibero-America, this article focuses on the analysis of measures taken in Portugal in order to respond to the evolution of the Covid-19 pandemic. From the theoretical-conceptual analysis we highlight the systematic use of online education and the effects that accentuate an educational reality discernable by inequality and exclusion. Based on quantitative empirical study, of quantitative, through the implementation of a questionnaire to teachers of basic education (n=280), data characterizing two distinct phases are presented: the closure of schools with the emergence of the pandemic; the return to face-to-face teaching, from the moment when the pandemic was already under control. The empirical data show that teachers emphasize that online learning leads to inequalities among students and contributes to reduced learning, and that teachers have embraced the innovative measures introduced by digital technologies. Teachers reveal a certain skepticism regarding the social valorization of the teaching profession and the school. As a challenge for the post-Covid-19 curriculum, the importance of education for citizenship, organized in the school according to the search for answers to global and local problems, is highlighted.
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