Student perceptions, from their diversity, on the effects of the transition to online modality in the context of the COVID 19 pandemic




students; pandemic; diversity; higher education; covid-19


The study analyzes some of the effects on students of the transition to the online modality in the context of the pandemic. It starts by problematizing the way in which the closing of schools, social isolation, and the set of restrictions to students' freedom, brought about profound changes in the forms of socialization and human interaction, as well as in the teaching-learning process, among which the radical change to online education stands out. Some effects of these transformations on students are analyzed through a questionnaire applied at the University of Guadalajara in two periods, July 2020 and January 2021. The analysis considers the differentiated impacts due to the diversity of students through variables such as gender, socioeconomic level, employment status, economic dependents, disabilities, belonging to an indigenous people and marital status. Among the findings we found that certain students suffer more than others from the effects of the phenomenon, including women and students with disabilities. But we also found that certain students with work and family responsibilities suffer to a lesser extent some of the effects. Differences that we believe should be considered when thinking about the future of education.


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Author Biography

Carlos Iván Moreno Arellano, Universidad de Guadalajara (UDG), México

Profesor investigador. Departamento de Políticas Públicas Universidad de Guadalajara.


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How to Cite

Pérez-Mora, R., & Moreno Arellano, C. I. (2021). Student perceptions, from their diversity, on the effects of the transition to online modality in the context of the COVID 19 pandemic. Iberoamerican Journal of Education, 86(2), 147–169.





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