Learning experimental microbiology in a virtual format in the context of a pandemic: an experience of implementing activities with the use of a portable set in the training of Biology and Natural Sciences teachers.





Microbiology; laboratory; didactics; science education; evidence-based education; initial teacher training


This paper presents the implementation of an innovative didactic proposal to perform practical activities in a microbiology course for students of pedagogy in biology and natural sciences. The proposal arose to solve the need for practical experiences in virtual format in the context of pandemic. The methodology consists of the design and delivery of a portable laboratory set to the homes of the course students and the implementation of experimental activities assisted virtually by the course teachers (an expert in microbiology and an expert in science didactics). The experimental activities included microorganism culture, Gram stain and the elaboration of a personalized investigation. Obtaining the results of this implementation was perform through a didactic sequence of virtual sessions, the observation of the students during the practical work, reports of results made by the students and a semi-structured interview with the students with emphasis on the valuation given to this experience and the perception about the learning achieved.


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Author Biographies

María José Vargas Straube, Universidad Alberto Hurtado (UAH), Chile

Biochemist, PhD in Microbiology

Juan Carlos Gutiérrez Escobar, Universidad Alberto Hurtado (UAH), Chile


Master in didactics of experimental sciences

Javiera Francisca Soto Quiroz, Universidad Alberto Hurtado (UAH), Chile

Biology and chemistry teacher

Master in Didactics of Experimental Sciences


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How to Cite

Vargas Straube, M. J. ., Gutiérrez Escobar, J. C., Soto Quiroz, J. F., & Isla Paillamilla, E. (2021). Learning experimental microbiology in a virtual format in the context of a pandemic: an experience of implementing activities with the use of a portable set in the training of Biology and Natural Sciences teachers. Iberoamerican Journal of Education, 87(1), 49–71. https://doi.org/10.35362/rie8714594





Educación Científica. Nuevas metodologías para una sociedad cambiante