Reading strategies to help text comprehension and interpretation by students with ADHD: a case study




Solé; attention deficit and hyperactivity disorder; reading; inclusion


The study presents the results of a qualitative study-case investigation that aimed to identify how the reading strategies recommended by Isabel Solé (1998) can help to develop text comprehension and interpretation by students affected by Attention Deficit and Hyperactivity Disorder. Hence, the performance of a student diagnosed with the disorder was assessed during the implementation of a reading proposal that used the strategies indicated by the author. The data were obtained with questionnaires answered by the participant, records contained in the logbook of the researcher, and video recordings of the meetings. The data analysis, from the assumptions of Content Analysis, indicates that organizing reading activities according to the strategies proposed by Solé (1998) favors and potentiates the development of text comprehension and interpretation by students with Attention Deficit and Hyperactivity Disorder


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How to Cite

Darroz, L. M., Rosa, C. T. W. da, & Favero, S. (2022). Reading strategies to help text comprehension and interpretation by students with ADHD: a case study. Iberoamerican Journal of Education, 89(1), 167–179.





Haciendo realidad la inclusión en la escuela: condiciones, desafíos y prácticas