State of the experiences 1 to 1 in Latin america


  • María Ester Lagos Céspedes Centro de Investigación e Innovación en Educación y Tecnología (CIIET) de la Universidad de Santiago de Chile.
  • Juan Silva Quiróz Departamento de Educación en la Facultad de Humanidades de la Universidad de Santiago de Chile.



one to one, information and communication technologies (TIC); pedagogical innovation; educational models; digital gap


This article shows the state of the educative experiences in the Latin American countries that use the model 1 to 1 with the objective of giving an adequate frame for the development of future investigations in this area. In first place are analysed the latin american experiences with successful implementation, in particular the cases of Uruguay, Peru and Argentina, then the same is done with Spain and Portugal, and afterwards the implementation experience is shown in Chile. Finally concludes with a summary of the common characteristics of the revised experiences.


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How to Cite

Lagos Céspedes, M. E., & Silva Quiróz, J. (2011). State of the experiences 1 to 1 in Latin america. Iberoamerican Journal of Education, 56, 75–94.





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