Roads for improvement: exploratory study of the steering leadership in the technological institutes in the state of Michoacán (México)
leadership, steering, improvement, efficiency and changeAbstract
he methodology of the exploratory study of the steering leadership which is addressed in this article is based on a systematic process articulated in four phases: exploration, theoretical foundation, empirical research and presentations of results. The sequence seem to be relevant to address the field work, every time that part of a preliminary inquiry, raises a quantitative work through a questionnaire that complements with open questions. The information provided by 112 principals and teachers of the five institutions have been analysed with the program Statistical Package for the Social Sciences (SPSS).
The results have made emerge strengths, weaknesses and opportunity areas, which allow us to conclude that many of the shortfalls could be overcome if we enhance steering equipments to deploy transformational pedagogical leadership oriented towards an institutional strengthening, professional development and the projection on the environment.
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