Education for all quality improvement, or the concept of school effectiveness from the faculty’s point of view


  • Ignacio González López Universidad de Córdoba, España.
  • Isabel López Cobo Universidad de Córdoba, España.



inclusion, educative quality, pedagogic consultancy, educative program, school effectiveness


The changes that society is experimenting show that the traditional schooling methods do not meet their goals. This has encouraged faculty members and researchers to look for new answers: the creation of the iqea project («Improving the Quality of Education for All»), which has as a goal the development of effective schools that can manage the before mentioned changes, is one of those answers. The outcome of the research initiatives related to this project, such as Lipman (1997), has led us to the outline of a research that has three main goals. The first is to determine which factors explain the fact that iqea is being developed massively in different countries. The second goal is to have an exploratory study of the personal and contextual variables that participate in the successful development of the project. The third is to gather opinions about the project among primary school teachers. This paper we are presenting is focused on the process underwent by different centers in the province and the state of Córdoba (Spain), in order to make known the project and to establish future participation channels in the set up of new iqea projects. The first results show the positive appraisal that this education quality improvement project has received. They also show how a great part of the faculty is willing to be involved in the project. Finally, they show some difficulties in the development schedule.


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Author Biographies

Ignacio González López, Universidad de Córdoba, España.

Profesor titular de universidad ejerce su actividad docente en el Área Métodos de Investigación y Diagnóstico en Educación (MIDE) en el Departamento de Educación de la Universidad de Córdoba, España.

Isabel López Cobo, Universidad de Córdoba, España.

Becaria de Formación del profesorado universitario adscrita al área MIDE del Departamento de Educación de la Universidad de Córdoba, España.


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How to Cite

González López, I., & López Cobo, I. (2010). Education for all quality improvement, or the concept of school effectiveness from the faculty’s point of view. Iberoamerican Journal of Education, 54, 123–143.





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