Networking and mediation: epistemological principles of the Mediators Network theory in education


  • Elena Maria Mallmann Universidade Federal de Santa Maria (UFSM), Centro de Educação (Brasil).



pedagogic mediation; Mediators Network theory; didactic hypermedia material


In this paper we will present the epistemological aspects of the Mediators Network theory, showing its contributions to research, analysis and understanding of the concept of pedagogic mediation. With this aim, we will discuss the relation between Mediators Network theory and the newest breakthroughs and possibilities offered by scientific production in education. This theory produces a way of understanding schooling through the interactions and the interactivity within learning content. All in all, this theoretical matrix presents itself as a strong agent for innovation in educative research since it does not dissociate science, technology and society, thus allowing us to highlight the technological and scientific characteristics of the teaching and learning process.


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How to Cite

Mallmann, E. M. (2010). Networking and mediation: epistemological principles of the Mediators Network theory in education. Iberoamerican Journal of Education, 54, 221–241.





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