Statistical diagnosis of prior knowledge and the evolution of transdisciplinary learning of Natural Sciences in the Education Degrees of a Spanish public university
STEM, Primary Education, Previous Knowledge, Learning Outcomes, MultidisciplinarityAbstract
This study shows a diagnosis of the state of the previous knowledge (CP) of students entering the degree in Primary Education (GEP) taught at the Universidad Rey Juan Carlos (URJC) through a series of questionnaires focused on the main disciplines that traditionally make up the Natural Sciences: Biology, Geology, Physics and Chemistry. Based on these data, a comparison between them is made and the subsequent academic results (RA) obtained by the students after having taken the subjects in the field of Didactics of Natural Sciences in the GEP. The improvement rate is 67% for all the disciplines analysed, which translates into an improvement of 4.5 points out of 10 in the RA with respect to the CP. The analysis shows that there is a significant correlation between the results obtained by the students in the CP questionnaires and the RA for the disciplines of Chemistry, Biology and the multidisciplinary group of experimental sciences. Consequently, it can be inferred, according to the hypothesis test, what the rate of improvement of the students in these disciplines will be from the analysis of their results in the CP questionnaires
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