Musical composition as a construction. Tools for creating and spreading music through Internet


  • Andrea Giráldez Hayes Escuela Universitaria de Magisterio de Segovia, de la Universidad de Valladolid, España.



creativity, musical composition, TIC, web 2.0


The aim of this article is to review the challenges and possibilities presented, by information and communication technology (ict) in general, and more specifically, by Web 2.0, to Music education in school contexts. Considering as a starting point the fact that ict represents an unprecedented opportunity to create, remix, participate and share music, we will analyze the role that can be played by them in music classes and, in a more specific way, the creation and spreading of music.


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How to Cite

Giráldez Hayes, A. (2010). Musical composition as a construction. Tools for creating and spreading music through Internet. Iberoamerican Journal of Education, 52, 109–125.





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