Analysis of efficacy of a proposed intervention to reduce misconceptions in mathematics.


  • Yazna Cisternas Rojas Escuela de Pedagogía. Pontificia Universidad Católica de Valparaíso, Chile
  • María Dolores Gil Llario



Intervention; misconceptions; problems, multiplication-division.


ginate either by an inadequate cognitive schema or inappropriate pedagogical practice. The research aimed to evaluate the decrease of misconception  associated with the resolution of tasks relating to the field of multiplication and division given the context of implementation of a program of intervention in Chile. Its effect  was evaluated on text and calculation problems, as well as variability  errors due to the development of misconception. The sample consisted of 368 students 4th basic grade from public school .122 attended schools where the PAC regularly applied in the mathematics. The results indicated a positive effect of the program: the mathematical performance of students who participated to this program was higher than students who learned traditional math (p <.05). The errors of the students who participated in the program was significantly lower than they had before starting the program. Furthermore it was established that after the intervention, students decreased their errors in text problems with or without support, with and without calculation in respect of properties.


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How to Cite

Cisternas Rojas, Y., & Gil Llario, M. D. (2016). Analysis of efficacy of a proposed intervention to reduce misconceptions in mathematics. Iberoamerican Journal of Education, 70(2), 63–78.





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