Evaluation of school literary productions through single word count and digital lexical density





exical density; lexical analysis; literary competence; digital tooles


This research focuses on analyzing the inclusion of lexical density for the evaluation of literary products during the process of teaching literature with the digital tool Voyant-Tools. This research seeks to explore an alternative to improve literary skills in students who study the subject of Literature at the Colegio de Bachilleres de Tabasco in Mexico. During the course, students make literary productions in 3 didactic sessions, where they generate a corpus of text. The resulting corpora were studied through digital text analysis to obtain indicators that would characterize the students' literary competence in terms of lexical density and the number of unique words, better known as types. The results shown in this research indicate that, in the case of the selected sample, the numbers of unique words known as types are a better indicator of both lexical appropriation and literary competence in students compared to lexical density.


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How to Cite

Corona Ferreira, A., Benítez Arias, L., & Ramírez Martinell, A. (2024). Evaluation of school literary productions through single word count and digital lexical density. Iberoamerican Journal of Education, 94(1), 83–93. https://doi.org/10.35362/rie9416091





Digital Humanities and new methodologies for the teaching of the Humanities