General problematic of education by competencies


  • Francisco Guzmán Marín Universidad Pedagógica Nacional, México



education, competencies, skills, human capital, management education


The present proposal of the Competence Education model, beyond its origins and economistic pretensions, represents a genuine alternative to the encyclopedist-illustrated paradigm that has guided and determined the theoretical-conceptual construction of the socio-formative currents, the institucional organization of Education Systems, the definition of curricula and programmes of study, training practices and processes of evaluation, acreditation and certification of the modern education (at least, as a proposal for a transition towards better socio-educational paradigms).
The Competence Education model dispenses with the theoretical formalization in its emergence, expansion and institutional consolidation, as well as in the projection of its formative procedures. Despite the educational profesionals –also because of their great resistence and criticism of the model, from where José Gimeno Sacristán (2010) claims that he does not see the great figures of education in the world, sustaining the impetus of the competences approch, from the traditional discourses that underlie the educational phenomenom–, it is that this paradigm does not emanate, build or support the traditional sources of educational theory and models, namely: Psychology, Pedagogy, Didactics, Philosophy and/or Sociology of Education, among others, nor of the set of experiences built from the practices of teaching and learning, or from school innovation.


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How to Cite

Guzmán Marín, F. (2017). General problematic of education by competencies. Iberoamerican Journal of Education, 74, 107–120.

