Elements of good practices from the dimension of teaching and the results of the training process of the university subsystem in Chile.





good practices; teaching dimension; results of the training process; university subsystem; quality in higher education.


The following article aims to determine the elements that constitute good practices associated with the quality criteria and standards of the teaching dimension and the results of the training process in higher education in Chile, within the framework of the new Quality Law for the accreditation of the university subsystem 21,091 (2018). Considering in particular the dimension of Teaching and Results of the Training Process. It is asked through a qualitative approach and a Grounded Theory design: What are the elements that can be constituted as good practices associated with the quality criteria and standards of the teaching dimension and the results of the training process in the university subsystem? in Chile? The results express different practices, such as mechanisms, actions and tasks that universities carry out to comply with the dimension; however, not all criteria are understood in the same way, and there are differences in interpretation between them. The conclusions allow us to relate the considerations that each criterion points out and the practices collected. In addition to contributing as a scientific novelty to the reflection on the improvement in the quality of management of the university subsystem and contributing to SDG No. 4 for education 2030.


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How to Cite

Pérez Carvajal, A., Förster Marín, C., Jiménez Bucarey, C. G., & Riquelme Bravo, P. (2024). Elements of good practices from the dimension of teaching and the results of the training process of the university subsystem in Chile. Iberoamerican Journal of Education, 95(1), 41–55. https://doi.org/10.35362/rie9516276





Monograph. Transforming higher education: teaching innovation and good practices