Cómo motivar a aprender en la universidad: una estrategia fundamental contra el fracaso académico en los nuevos modelos educativos


  • Marta Romero Ariza Universidad de Jaén, España.
  • Miguel Pérez Ferra Universidad de Jaén, España.




learning, motivation, competence


This paper approaches the issue of learning motivation in the framework of the reform implemented by European colleges, aimed at creating the European Higher Education Area (ehea) and at fulfilling the current learning needs, based on skill development and self-directed learning skills. Adopting the European Credit Transfer System (ects) and reducing the time of classroom on-site, in favour of time for autonomous work for the student, has caused strong objections to the traditional roles of teachers-students. In this way, the teacher evolves from mere broadcaster of knowledge to a facilitator and guide in the personal learning process that the student undergoes, enabling the student to keep on learning on his own for the rest of his life.

Considering this analysis, it is easy to understand that, in order to face up with the effort entailed by deep autonomous learning, learning motivation is more important than ever. In this sense, the present paper is based on evidence gathered in specialized publications, with the aim of extracting a series of guidelines that will allow us to successfully assume the new role of tutor teacher that can encourage students to learn. We will pay special attention to those aspects of the education process that affect a learning-focused approach: activities design, evaluation, student autonomy and the concept of authority, social relations in the classroom and explicit and implicit messages.


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Author Biographies

Marta Romero Ariza, Universidad de Jaén, España.

Docente de experiencias piloto relacionadas con la adaptación al Espacio Europeo de Educación Superior en la Universidad de Jaén, España.

Miguel Pérez Ferra, Universidad de Jaén, España.

Catedrático de universidad, docente de la asignatura de Diseño, desarrollo e innovación del currículum, en la licenciatura de Psicopedagogía de la Universidad de Jaén, España.


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How to Cite

Romero Ariza, M., & Pérez Ferra, M. (2009). Cómo motivar a aprender en la universidad: una estrategia fundamental contra el fracaso académico en los nuevos modelos educativos. Iberoamerican Journal of Education, 51, 87–105. https://doi.org/10.35362/rie510628

