Ibero-american model for technology transfer between public universities through digital technology
Technology transfer, Technology transfer model, Digital transformation, Public universities, Ibero-AmericaAbstract
Technology transfer through digital technologies has emerged as a critical theme during the COVID-19 pandemic, highlighting the need to adapt innovation and collaboration processes to address global challenges. The overall objective of the research was to understand and develop a technology transfer model among public universities in Ibero-America, particularly focusing on Brazil, Costa Rica, Mexico, and Spain, using digital information and communication technologies (ICTs). The exploratory and descriptive research addressed three distinct phases: literature review, application of a qualitative questionnaire, and discussions in focus groups. The results revealed that, despite advanced digital infrastructure and government incentives, there are barriers such as conservative organizational culture and lack of financial resources. The proposed model consists of three macro-phases: pre-transfer, transfer development, and post-transfer - totaling eight phases and fifty-eight operational activities. The importance of assessing digital skills, digital transformation, and intellectual property management to facilitate effective technology transfer is emphasized. This model aims to promote collaboration among universities, stimulating innovation and economic and social development in the Ibero-American region, while highlighting the continuous need for adaptation and improvement of technology transfer processes.
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