Linguistic landscape in Bilingual Intercultural Education schools in Peru




linguistic landscape, bilingual education, indigenous languages


The Ministry of Education of Peru establishes that Intercultural Bilingual Education (IBE) schools train students who will be able to communicate in indigenous language and Spanish at the end of their school period. Furthermore, in secondary school, the learning of English is included, generating a multilingual context for learners. Generally, within the framework of bilingual/multilingual education, schools raise the visibility of languages ​​in the schoolscape. Following this perspective, a small investigation was carried out in 25 IBE schools in Peru, with the purpose of identifying the use of languages ​​and their combination in the linguistic landscape. The results show, on the one hand, that the majority only uses the Indigenous Language in the linguistic landscape within the classroom, in a small space designated for it. Outside that area, only Spanish is used. On the other hand, schools that do use the Indigenous Language in different spaces do so to name some elements of the context, they rarely use it to provide another type of message. Likewise, in none of the cases were official communications found in the indigenous language. In this way, it is concluded that there is a limited understanding about the impact of the linguistic landscape on education.


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How to Cite

Sullón-Acosta, K. (2024). Linguistic landscape in Bilingual Intercultural Education schools in Peru. Iberoamerican Journal of Education, 96(1), 83–95.





The linguistic landscape and its impact on educational contexts