From the local to the international in English classes: dialogic relationships between the linguistic landscape and language teaching in a school professional education




linguistic landscape, professional education, dialogic discourse analysis, teaching english


This study discusses a teaching strategy that uses the linguistic landscape to promote the teaching of English. As part of a broader action research, carried out in 2022, a class was taught with the objectives of identifying the vocabulary used in 4 images and understanding the relationship between images and the consumption of fast food. The class was taught to a third-year class of the Nutrition and Dietetics technical course and used 1 image of the façade of a snack bar and 3 images of advertisements from local commercial establishments, present in the students' city. In this article, the class taught is described, highlighting the linguistic landscape used, and the responses of 10 students to a semi-structured interview, evaluating the experience, are analyzed in light of the language perspective of Bakhtin Circle. The analysis of the corpus revealed a change in the point of view of the majority of students in relation to the consumption of fast food, pointing to a possible transformation in the social practice of the group participating in the research. It is concluded that the use of the linguistic landscape in the English classroom can contribute to language learning as a social practice.


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How to Cite

Oliveira, E. C. G. A. de, & Lima, S. de C. (2024). From the local to the international in English classes: dialogic relationships between the linguistic landscape and language teaching in a school professional education. Iberoamerican Journal of Education, 96(1), 175–187.





The linguistic landscape and its impact on educational contexts