Lectura dialógica: interacciones que mejoran y aceleran la lectura


  • Rosa Valls Universidad de Barcelona, España.
  • Marta Soler Universidad de Barcelona, España.
  • Ramón Flecha Universidad de Barcelona, España.




dialogical reading; faculty and families; reading learning process; literary circles


This paper deals with the study of dialogical reading, considered in the work frame of a broader conception of learning which has its foundations in the most relevant practices (learning communities), theories (Freire, Habermas, Searle) and research (includ-ed) of today’s society of information, locating in this new context previous dialogical contributions. This allows us to understand it as an instance of coordination between learning activities undertaken by everyone who interacts with children, specially those who share a classroom or a roof, namely, the faculty and the families. Here we will try to demonstrate that those centers that have adopted the approach of dialogical learning are improving and accelerating the reading-writing learning process of all students, with more spaces and more people than those traditional centers that have inherited the approach of industrial society. In the same way, we show how reading, both at home and at the school environment, is promoted through dialogical literary circles that get people who have never read a book, to enjoy the works of Safo, Joyce or Lorca. On top of this, what is auspicious is the direct collaboration of relatives, professionals and volunteers in the reading-writing learning process undertaken by the students, not only during school hours but also outside the classroom.


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1) Comunidades de Aprendizaje es un proyecto de transformación de centros educativos basado en el aprendizaje dialógico que genera la participación democrática de las familias y de toda la comunidad para conseguir el éxito académico de todos los niños. Actualmente se está llevando a cabo en cincuenta y siete centros de Educación Infantil, Primaria y Secundaria en ocho comunidades autónomas de España y en Brasil y Chile.

2) El instrumento de mayores dimensiones y relevancia del Programa Marco de Investigación de la Unión Europea son los proyectos integrados. INCLUD-ED (CREA, 2007) es el único proyecto integrado que se ha dedicado al análisis de la educación escolar.

How to Cite

Valls, R., Soler, M., & Flecha, R. (2008). Lectura dialógica: interacciones que mejoran y aceleran la lectura. Iberoamerican Journal of Education, 46, 71–87. https://doi.org/10.35362/rie460717

