Políticas tecnológicas en un escenario de gestión del conocimiento en educación
potentiality; technological culture; knowledge management; information; knowledge; policies of science and technology; Decennial Plan of Education in ColombiaAbstract
Policies concerning science and technology in education have been aimed at the processes of coverage, accessibility and infrastructure, and at the technology training programs, without taking into consideration the actual needs of the institutions and the needs of pedagogy.
In Colombia, policies concerning technologies have been expressed in the language of the technocratic discourse, in which the sole mechanism for the development of the society is focused on incorporating technology to educational and productive sectors.
This paper discusses the current need for changing the instrumental attitude of the before mentioned policies, in order to understand the challenges implied by today's knowledge society concerning virtuality, technological culture and information production, as motors of knowledge production in school and as axes that can overcome the myth that says that extreme industrialization will lead to welfare, reduction of social disparity and general happiness.
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