Si Enrique VIII tuvo 6 esposas, ¿cuántas tuvo Enrique IV? El realismo en educación matemática y sus implicaciones docentes


  • Claudi Alsina Catedrático de la Universidad Politécnica de Cataluña, España.



enseñanza de la matemática, problemas ejemplares


The goal of this article is to reflect on reality as a point we refer to during our labor as teachers, paying special attention to false realities, which still exist in our teaching practices, and pointing out desirable characteristics for educational realism. Most of the time dedicated to the teaching of mathematics is spent solving repetitive exercises, afar from every day life. This article presents exercises taken from textbooks that exemplify the trend toward problems which are afar from reality and every day life. This kind of problem hinders students from been interested in the discipline. Finally, this article proposes ten model exercises that present mathematics as a tool useful for interpreting and modeling reality, able to surprise and move and necessary at the moment of making decisions from the point of view of a citizen.


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How to Cite

Alsina, C. (2007). Si Enrique VIII tuvo 6 esposas, ¿cuántas tuvo Enrique IV? El realismo en educación matemática y sus implicaciones docentes. Iberoamerican Journal of Education, 43, 85–101.





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