Representaciones de género de profesores y profesoras de matemática, y su incidencia en los resultados académicos de alumnos y alumnas


  • Raquel Flores Bernal Servicio Nacional de la Mujer, Chile.



enseñanza de la matemática, representaciones de género, profesorado


Mathematics teachers, both male and female, have gender representations of the way students learn. These representations are used as a theoretical resource and as a category for analysis, and allow us to unveil those symbolic structures underlying the beliefs common to mathe-matics teachers, that concern the concept of gender.
The before mentioned representations, expressed in teachers' beliefs, expectations, attitudes, values and opinions on the mathematical skills of men and women, allow us to view, through the educational practice of the faculty, their messages, their discourse, both expressed through words and body language. This discourse must be discussed and re-looked.
These expectations and beliefs influence the pedagogic interactions established by the teachers in their daily regular work in the classroom with their male and female students. In this way they condition the mathematics learning process of women.


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1) Índice de recursos educativos en el hogar. El nivel alto indica que al menos uno de los padres del estudiante tiene educación universitaria, hay cien o más libros en su hogar y dispone de escritorio, computador y diccionario para estudiar.

How to Cite

Flores Bernal, R. (2007). Representaciones de género de profesores y profesoras de matemática, y su incidencia en los resultados académicos de alumnos y alumnas. Iberoamerican Journal of Education, 43, 103–118.





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