Constraints to the ICT implementation as a transdisciplinary curriculum area: representations of professionals of education


  • Elisabete Cruz Unidade de Investigação e Desenvolvimento em Educação e Formação (UIDEF) do Instituto de Educação da Universidade de Lisboa, Portugal



ICT; curriculum; basic education; transdisciplinary curriculum area.


This study is part of a broader investigation, which aims to understand the broader social and cultural context in which the implementation of Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) as a transdisciplinary curriculum area, in the basic education of the Portuguese education system, has been considered under constant tension. It is a study that sought to capture the meaning that a group of teacher-researchers assigned to the curriculum philosophy imbued into the ICT Cross-Curricular Proposal (ICT-PCIT), launched in 2010 in the scope of the Learning Outcomes Project. It focuses more specifically on the representations about the conception of ICT as a transdisciplinary curriculum area, leaning up in a particular way with the analysis of the restrictions that are glimpsed in relation to this aim. As part of a qualitative and interpretative methodology, consistent with the phenomenological approach, the collection and analysis of the corpus that supports this study involved holding three focus group interviews and methodological procedures recommended by the grounded theory. 


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How to Cite

Cruz, E. (2016). Constraints to the ICT implementation as a transdisciplinary curriculum area: representations of professionals of education. Iberoamerican Journal of Education, 70(1), 129–148.





- Políticas educativas