Conflict of Interest Disclosure Policy

The authors of a manuscript, the journal editors who receive it and all reviewers (internal and external) must disclose any conflict of interest that may influence the manuscript or the review and approval thereof. If the authors declare a conflict of interest, the reviewers must be informed. At the same time, anyone asked to review a manuscript must recuse themselves if they have any conflict of interest with the authors or topic. The journal guarantees the most suitable reviewers will be chosen in terms of topic and academic compatibility.

In the event of a dispute, the Ibero-American Education Journal undertakes to issue a decision through its Editorial Board. This Board will be responsible for resolving these situations and taking reasonable measures to identify and prevent the publication of articles where poor research conduct has occurred. Under no circumstance will the Journal encourage such inappropriate conduct or knowingly allow such inappropriate conduct.

If the journal editor(s) gain knowledge of any accusation of poor research conduct, the editor shall process the accusations appropriately by retracting or correcting articles as necessary. Any corrections, clarifications, retractions or apologies necessary shall be published.