Sustainability Science: A new discipline or a new approach for all disciplines?


  • Amparo Vilches Universitat de València
  • Daniel Gil Pérez Universitat de València



Science-Technology-Society-Environment Relationships (STSE) | Education for Sustainability | Planetary Emergency | Sustainability Science.


At the beginning of this 21st century, a new scientific domain, the Sustainability Science, begun to develop with the explicit aim of facing the present situation of planetary emergency to make possible the transition to sustainable societies. It intends to be a new way of doing science for a new period of Earth’s history, the Anthropocene, when the planet is experiencing deep changes, mostly due to human actions, that threaten the survival of humanity. The aim of the research we are presenting here has been to ascertain if this new Sustainability Science can contribute significantly to the necessary transition to Sustainability. With this purpose, we have studied available information about its development from its origin till nowadays. On the other hand, we have analyzed if the Sustainability Science’s characteristics introduce real improvement with respect to the contributions that many disciplines –such as Environmental Education, Green Chemistry, or Low-carbon Economy- were already doing to the resolution of socio-environmental problems. The results obtained allow us to affirm that the Sustainability Science incorporates a radically new approach, with the characteristics of a truly scientific revolution, capable of contributing very efficiently to the transition to Sustainability. Besides, the quantitative criteria used show that the new discipline is developing vigorously. Nonetheless, our analyses have as well shown that the constitution of the Sustainability Science as a new academic discipline, involves serious risks that must and can be overcome.


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How to Cite

Vilches, A., & Gil Pérez, D. (2015). Sustainability Science: A new discipline or a new approach for all disciplines?. Iberoamerican Journal of Education, 69(1), 39–60.





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