Apresentação. Qualidade da formação de professores: propostas inovadoras de avaliação





avaliação, formação de professores


After many years of application of various training proposals aimed at teachers in Latin America, there is little empirical evidence that accounts for its effectiveness and impact. It is therefore necessary to promote reflection and encourage the study of teacher training and professional development programs that favor the development of models based on the collected evidence. The present volume of the Iberoamerican Journal of Education (RIE) wishes to contribute to this debate from the conviction that the quality of teacher training is key to its subsequent performance. How to evaluate the quality of training actions? What are the innovative proposals in this field? To what extent do current training strategies adjust to the new realities? are some of the questions to which the monograph tries to answer.


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How to Cite

Vaillant, D., & Díaz Fouz, T. (2018). Apresentação. Qualidade da formação de professores: propostas inovadoras de avaliação. Iberoamerican Journal of Education, 77(1), 11–12. https://doi.org/10.35362/rie7713149

